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Cybersecurity in the Times of Advanced Information Technologies and an Escalating Attack Surface

A boundaryless, hyperconnected network is the latest normal for contemporary digital firms, which depicts a wide risk surface and more elements for actors will bad intentions internationally. Consequently, while firms reasonably emphasize swiftly pushing new products to market, the required security standards and the government mostly lagged. That makes important data vulnerable and crucial functions at risk. Significant, no longer the risk only to government, personal, and corporate information. Those risks have increased drastically with the emergence of the global pandemic COVID-19. With so many prime employees now working from their homes or comfort zones, crucial information must be shared outside a firm’s walls. It involves employee information, tangible possessions, the firm’s financial data, and other exclusive data. It also involves data about consumers, their buying behavior, and product performance in the field. Cybercriminals have grabbed this opportunity by initiating phishing schemes that attract email users to click malicious links. Therefore, cybersecurity needs a rethinking that modifies the ideas of IP addresses, usernames, and passwords, evolving them into practical aspects that assist their underpinning functions. The progressing digital ecosystem only became probable as the conventional aspects of computing: networking, mainframes, applications, and operating systems- became virtualized, atomized, and abstracted.


Case – Reference no. 921-0024-1

Authors: Muhammad Usman Tariq

Published by: Abu Dhabi School of Management

Published in: 2021

Length: 13 pages

Topics: CybersecurityInformationTechnologyVulnerabilities

Link: https://casecent.re/p/179920

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