ABC LLC, UAE – Towards Leading Sustainable Performance

The case highlights ABC LLC responsive leadership’s practices towards developing a competent result-oriented workforce that can deliver innovation towards financial, consumer, operational excellence, and human capital perspectives. Specifically, Mr Mohammad’s (as CEO) efforts to identify, develop, sustain, and measure organizational drivers, as part of the 5P outlet optimization plan, to drive competitiveness, customer service, and […]

Cybersecurity in the Times of Advanced Information Technologies and an Escalating Attack Surface

A boundaryless, hyperconnected network is the latest normal for contemporary digital firms, which depicts a wide risk surface and more elements for actors will bad intentions internationally. Consequently, while firms reasonably emphasize swiftly pushing new products to market, the required security standards and the government mostly lagged. That makes important data vulnerable and crucial functions […]

Higher Educational Excellence through Mobile Applications: Educateone Case

Educateone mobile application technology uses the Teece model under the second quarter of high asset complementarity with low appropriability. It is a noble idea that will require little effort to market as it already has demand-pull strengths of serving an eminent gap in the market. The product will target Abu Dhabi students who lack any […]

Redefining Associations to Direct Transformation and Business Value Amidst the New Normal

The swift reaction to the pandemic would have been impossible if every firm deployed a not invented here mindset. However, due to their development, the associations in the UAE developed within these environments are far more productive and adaptive than those they substituted. For many, it has become understandable that whether the disruptions supported or […]

Digital Quality: Business Excellence Initiatives in the Food Industry

The idea of restaurant grading in Abu Dhabi is an attractive venture for potential investors willing to finance a start-up, given the lack of competition and the demand for the service. Due to the growing number of restaurants and the diminishing number of qualified personnel, food handling in UAE is deteriorating. The idea of this […]